Why Bloomberg gave $500K to the NYS Republican Party

I was speaking with a former State senator this evening. An elder of the Democratic party and a gentleman, he and I together watched the beginnings of the primary election returns tonight.

I asked him what he thought was behind Mike Bloomberg’s $500K donation to the New York State Democratic Party. Was it because he had an axe to grind with Governor Eliot Spitzer about how Spitzer wants to sell the property north of the Javits Center to a developer while Bloomberg wants to expand the Center on the property?

No, that wasn’t it.

Was it to give NYS Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno (R) a boost just to keep the diss in Albany’s dysfunction?

No, not that either.

Mike Bloomberg gave $500,000 to the Republicans to be named McCain’s veep running mate.

Think about it. In Bloomberg’s Op Ed in The New York Times he stated that this election was too important to stay on the sidelines. He said he would give his money to the candidate that worked in a bipartisan way:

“If a candidate takes an independent, nonpartisan approach — and embraces practical solutions that challenge party orthodoxy — I’ll join others in helping that candidate win the White House.”

McCain doesn’t understand how economies work. Bloomberg’s got that nailed.

McCain’s short on money. Bloomberg burps up Benjamins after his caviar breakfast.

McCain has crossed party lines to get bills passed. Bloomberg crossed party memberships.

Time will tell.

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